VC units frequently used quick but quiet small riverboats to traverse the countryside
The communist cadres' spiritual leader - Ho Chi Minh
Although the Vietcong tactics adapted & changed throughout the 'war', their tenacity and ability to 'disappear' was a constant source of strife against US forces. In the initial stages of the war the Vietcong didn't actually exist. They arose after the initial open battles destroyed much of the early NVA-led "Tet Offensive".
The Vietcong, to them, were not called the Vietcong. This was a nickname, along with "Charlie", that the U.S. first coined. The soldiers of Minh were reluctant to give their positions away but not afraid to die for their cause. Suicide bombers (or grenaders) were not uncommon in their guerilla style fighting.
Ho Chi Minh was not only an idol but a God to some! With persistence, tenacity and ruthless resolve, the VC were able to keep one step ahead of U.S. forces.
The U.S. forged some local alliances, but their reputation was marred by the devastation of their early carpet-bombing campaign -In the first year of the main bombing campaign, the US dropped more tonnage of bombs than the entire Allied World War II effort! More info about Ho Chi Minh»