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LetZ Rock! ~ [LzR]

LetZ Rock! ~ [LzR]

LzR clan was founded in 2011 by MaCCeSo and Zark, two guys from the same hometown who were quickly joined by Shady. Over the years, a handful of mates joined the elite squad of US soldiers who rush to battle without fear. Focused and passionate, the clan stands for tradition, sympathy and unity. All members are equal and fight to make every day a good day! In 2019, an expansion ensued: with more recruitment into the clan and a new server as Vietcong continues to live on!

Vietcong 4 Ever

Vietcong 4 Ever

This site is one of a kind... dedicated to keeping the Vietcong game alive, it features leaderboards for registered players, two full time servers (COOP and CTF), links to server maps, tips on getting VC running again and an alternate masterserver to GameSpy. In the words of the site's owner Plissken: "Vietcong is the best Vietnam war FPS ever made. If you don't believe it, try by yourself."

If you need help with anything related to Vietcong, this site provides the support and encouragement of a great community of users. This site features download links, open forum discussions, private messaging beteen registered users an more.

Available in two languages - Czech and English, this site is primarily an alternate masterserver to GameSpy. Site owner Ondra maintains the site and in addition to a list of servers, the site also provides a list of players and maps. With a registered account, users can also upload screens to any map listed.



Every VC player out there must surely have played VET maps at some point. Vietnam Elite Teamwork is the clan that spawned all of those maps as well as a health forum that has spurred many important discussions and provided tips and tricks for map editors and COOP players.

VC links

CS:S links

COD4 links

General information and links

Roll of honour